Body Sovereignty: A Fundamental Human Rights Issue
In the United States, our fundamental rights are under attack, threatening our collective health and well-being. The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, revoking our right to control our bodies and have the right to choose something as significant as when to become parents. Fundamentalist conservatives across the country have followed suit, not only further criminalizing abortion, but also gender-affirming care, and most recently passing anti-drag legislation.
The Body Sovereignty artist march is meant to inform the public of the extremely discriminatory legislation that has passed and to inspire people to take action to protect everyone's bodily autonomy and safeguard the health of our nation. We hope that through our collective activism and our individual artworks we can encourage people to stand up for their rights, those of others, and join us in the fight for a more just and equitable society.
We are not truly free without the fundamental right to control our own bodies and express our unique identities as we choose, without discrimination
Photograph by Mariah Karson
Photograph by Mariah Karson